
Monday, 3 June 2024

Pitch Feedback


My main point for improvement was the fact that there wasn’t any intertextual reference, so I have come up with a few idea to add intertextuality:

  • For the line “Pressure to come up with conversations…” and maybe the line after that, I could add an intertextual reference to Bob Dylans ‘subterranean homesick blues’ and hold up cards with conversation starters on them and show them one by one to the camera
  • Since my room will be used as a location and already has a lot of posters on the wall, I could put up some rock music posters
  • For the line “pressure to not let the inside of my mind fall onto the floor for my friends to find…” I was planning on doing that shot as a medium close up dramatically lying on the floor with objects arranged around my head to symbolise the mind, and some of these objects will be rock CD’s (which my dad has plenty of)
As for digital convergence, this will be done in the website (social media in the top corner for example), and at the end of the video, having links to the youtube channel and website and social media etc.

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